Mindfulness Academy Podcast: Introducing Aimee

As many of you might’ve already heard – I launched a podcast in October! This project has been something I’ve wanted to do for years and I’m elated to finally share it with you. The first three episodes are available to listen to wherever you listen to podcasts – please subscribe and listen to the amazing guests sharing their insights into mindfulness and how they incorporate it into their personal and professional lives. To get the podcast started, I sat down and shared a bit about my journey to mindfulness and how it’s benefitted my life.

My journey started several years ago when I was in a difficult stage of my life. I was deeply unhappy with my personal life and the direction of my career. I knew something needed to change, but wasn’t sure where to start. I POURED through self help books thinking just one more would give me the insights I’m sure many of you understand the feeling and situation I was in. 

I decided to look through the copious notes I had taken during this fact-finding mission to figure out what was resonating the most with me. That’s when I noticed something: mindfulness was the central theme of my research findings. I decided to start incorporating (and consistently practicing) mindfulness skills into my life.

One deeply profound experience I had was during a mindfulness silent retreat I attended as part of my Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction training. We spent an entire day in silence; I’d never done this before. As a communicator, this was CHALLENGING. 

I had to sit with uncomfortable feelings and emotions and learn to understand where they were coming from and how to let them go. I had revelations during this experience (listen to the podcast to learn more) that have shaped who I am and how I process grief and stress. 

Throughout my years of practicing mindfulness, I have made it a goal to share what I’ve learned with others. I wrote my book The Chaos Antidote: A Fable About Mindfulness. I led mindfulness training for first responders and spoke on podcasts about my experience. I knew I wanted to do more. Enter – The Mindfulness Academy Podcast. 

This new venture is where we take it to the next level. I sit down with mindfulness practitioners, thought leaders and more to learn about their mindfulness practices and equip our listeners with practical mindfulness tools. This podcast is for anyone who is interested in mindfulness – from those just starting out to the seasoned mindfulness practitioners. There are so many great guests coming onto the podcast – and a few you can listen to right now!

To learn more about The Mindfulness Academy Podcast, visit our website and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts

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