Tired of Chaos? I’m here to help

As I write these words we as a human race are in the midst of a global crisis due to COVID-19. Life is weird, haywire. Friends are amongst the millions filing for unemployment, loved ones are sick and dying and it’s an act of faith to venture out to buy a week’s worth of groceries.

In a given day, I’m supporting eLearning for my two young kids, fielding client calls, gearing up for multi-faceted marketing campaigns and answering colleagues’ inquiries. I’m also grieving for the unexpected death of my father, supporting my distraught mother and trying to figure out—if I’m even supposed to figure out—‘what next?’ Anybody with me on this?

Chaos, right?

Even before this virus took our world by storm, I was enduring a storm of my own. As a middle-aged working mother, a number of personal defeats and losses had left me feeling powerless and adrift. After a life-threatening miscarriage, I finally began to realize how unhappy I’d become.

I embarked on a journey to find a way to access my inner wisdom and strength. (And to be honest, calm the heck down.) Along the path I discovered the life-giving power of mindfulness, which offered priceless knowledge, insights and tools to help navigate my inner and outer circumstances.

In early 2019 I began gestating my first book. All I knew is that I wanted to share some of what I’d learned about mindfulness to help others. Life had proven chaotic for me and my loved ones, but I witnessed what seemed to be a miracle: The mindful lessons I learned served as an antidote to chaos.

It is my sincere hope that my book, The Chaos Antidote: A Fable About Mindfulness, provides hope, healing and happiness for all who read it. For the record, my husband enjoyed it (even laughed out loud at the witty dialogue!)

May you be well and at ease with life,


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